Pre-Paid Archive Storage Services
One-time cost for security and compliance including collection, tracking, storage and destruction. Our pre-paid closed file archiving solution is secure and affordable with no hidden costs.

Secure, reliable, affordable archive storage with no hidden costs.
Whether in law, conveyancing, finance, insurance, or healthcare, we offer tailored outsourced archive storage solutions. Trust us to meet your requirements efficiently.
| We offer entirely outsourced, scheduled or on-demand secure archive storage, culling, packing, barcoding and indexing services performed by our experienced and specially trained staff.

Secure, end-to-end closed file archive storage solution
The TIMG Complete Archiving storage solution includes:
Barcodes for boxes/files supplied
Prior to collection, TIMG will provide you with a set of unique barcode stickers. By attaching these to individual files or Archive boxes, you will ensure quick and easy identification of items in storage with us via our secure online portal.
Files collected by TIMG (Fees subject to location)
When ready, we will collect your documents/boxes from your premises and will transport these in TIMG fleet vehicles which are satellite tracked and monitored. We do not employ the services of third party couriers.
Files digitised to PDF (Optional)
Our quality scanners and our data entry services accurately capture and convert your files and records into a PDF so they can be electronically hosted and searched on our portal. Your scanned documents will be available 24/7.
Files catalogued and hosted securely online
Have your complete legal file database imported into our online system with data fields including: Matter Number, Client Name, Open and Closed Dates and Destruction Date.
Files available online 24/7
Our Operations teams are on call 24/7 and will process and deliver your documents and media whenever needed. We understand the importance of business continuity and the proper management of information.
Ongoing Document Availability
If you elect to have a file scanned and converted to PDF, the digital version of the file will remain available to you via the secure TIMG online portal for as long as your account is active and up to date.
Destruction at end of lifespan
Our secure document destruction services ensure that when closed file retention periods have been met and records are no longer required to be retained, that the account holder is notified, and an agreed secure destruction date is set. Once defined, the destruction process is commenced and a Certificate of Secure Destruction is issued.

Secure and Affordable Pre-Paid Archive Storage
Our pre-paid closed file archiving solution provides secure and compliant storage and destruction of sensitive documents. Specifically designed for the finance and health sectors, it offers a one-time cost with no hidden fees, ensuring peace of mind. Additionally, this solution guarantees cost efficiency, making it an ideal choice for your document management needs.
Eliminate your risk with TIMG’s VOI App and Report Vault
Our VOI app securely collects and archives clients’ private information, like identity documents and contracts. Easily transfer data to the TIMG Vault Report Repository. This way, you won’t need to keep it on your mobile device.
| VOI’s are securely stored offsite on servers in Australia. TIMG’s operations are certified to and/or compliant with the highest Australian and international records management standards.

Frequently asked questions about TIMG off-site archive document storage services.
Firstly our people, they are “our people” not contractors. Our delivery teams are fully trained in security and customer service. Secondly, information management is what we do. Your records are safe with TIMG and your records are handled by professionals. We are not a courier company, so records do not travel with general freight and they are secure throughout the transportation chain. Thirdly, our systems and bespoke software, gives us the ability to deliver robust performance every time and help streamline your archiving activities. Lastly, we are constantly improving and making sure we offer the most up-to-date solutions for any of your records management requirements.
Possibly, yes – however, it is important to note that with the new privacy legislation in place, organisations that do use self-storage facilities, may not be fulfilling their legal obligations. We are happy to look at all options and come up with the best value proposition for our customers.
Not at all. Our software is able to handle any existing barcode. We simply import the data and scan away under the existing barcode. This makes any transition seamless, efficient and fast.
We use unmarked vehicles for security reasons. Each vehicle is satellite tracked, managed and owned by TIMG to ensure service schedules are adhered to, reducing risk and breakdowns. We are not a courier company, so records do not travel with general freight; they are secure through the transportation chain.