ESI Processing
Our eDiscovery experts bring structure to electronically-sourced information for easy review, search and analysis.

Advances in technology have made it easy to produce large volumes and different formats of data.
E-mail, voicemail, instant and text messages, databases, digital images, multimedia files and file metadata is increasingly relied upon as evidence. Lawyers are challenged to trawl through large volumes of ESI in order to find relevant information for their case.
| Our team of eDiscovery specialists help bring large volumes of ESI under control in a fast, cost-effective and defensible manner.

Using industry-leading technologies, we transform large volumes
of unstructured data into searchable, reviewable formats.
ESI processing is an integral part of the eDiscovery process.
Our team of processing specialists have a broad range of experience in processing data for investigations, Royal Commissions and inquiries, and litigation, in accordance with practice notes, exchange protocols and guidelines.
Our ESI processing services include:
- Early Case Assessment (ECA)
- Extracting documents to native format and rendered images (TIFF/PDF)
- Extracting documents for print
- Post processing: document conversion, document stamping, OCR etc.
- Technical support

Streamline your eDiscovery with TIMG’s Redaction Services
Using the latest technology, the team of technical experts at TIMG will work with you in accordance with all relevant industry guidelines to carry out necessary, and urgent redaction services.
Our redaction services include:
- Search and Redact – We search for specific words, phrases, names etc and bulk redact. We can also search for specific patterns e.g. credit card numbers and redact those in a bulk action.
- PII Redaction – Our team will review documents and redact any personally identifiable information (PII), such as DOBs, names, addresses, phone numbers etc from your transcripts.
- Video Redaction – Using AI tools, we can find and recognise faces and blur them out or apply any other redactions as required.
- Native Excel Redaction – Redactions can be done within a native Excel file itself, so things like formulas, formatting etc are not lost.
- Audio Redaction – Using transcription tools, specific words or phrases can be redacted from audio files.

| TIMG adheres to strict policies and methodologies when preparing data for our clients. We deploy the same continuous process driven workflows, regardless of the size of each tranche, following established industry standards and best practices.
For expert ESI Processing advice speak to
Nathan Roberts | National eDiscovery Manager
We have offices Australia wide including Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne,
Brisbane, Adelaide, Darwin, Hobart and Perth