Sparke Helmore Lawyers find a dependable Digital Solution

For three decades, Sparke Helmore Lawyers has provided its clients with market-leading Australian professional services and legal expertise.  The firm’s commitment to its clients is unquestionable and it is in this spirit of determination and resilience, that it tackled the operational challenges presented by Covid 19.

The Challenge

By the time Covid-19 was formally acknowledged as a global pandemic in early 2020, its profound impact was rapidly being felt across the globe. Governments took steps to isolate citizens, while hospitals struggled to manage infection caseloads. Wholesale lockdowns as a defence mechanism caused massive disruption to every aspect of life as we knew it. Suddenly everyone was scrambling to put together patchwork solutions to problems.

Like hundreds of thousands of businesses including law firms around the world, Sparke Helmore Lawyers was forced to implement a Business Continuity Plan to ensure it remained operational. Once out of crisis management mode, the team at Sparke Helmore started looking at short to medium term operational strategies, and at this point, reached out to TIMG as a provider of “essential services” to discuss a flexible digital mailroom solution.

The Solution

The Covid lockdown strategy in Sydney was mainly implemented and enforced in the worst impacted Local Government Areas (LGAs), which forced thousands of non-essential workers to stay at home.  For businesses including law firms that relied on the physical handling, processing and distribution of mail, this situation quickly became a real headache.

Craig Martin, Facilities Manager at Sparke Helmore Lawyers, reached out to TIMG to discuss a flexible mailroom solution that would provide business continuity in the absence of his regular staff who were stuck in LGAs of concern. What we came up with was a hybrid solution, which combined Craig’s inhouse capability with TIMG’s digital mailroom solution. Our experienced digital mailroom staff were able to look after the physical collection of mail as well as scanning, copying and the distribution of items internally and externally. Our Secure Transport for the Legal sector was also engaged for the secure collection and delivery of confidential documents.

The Sparke Helmore mailroom solution has not replaced Craig’s staff.  Instead, TIMG tailored a solution that enables the business to maintain an operational footing.  Now, Craig can fully adjust and scale his resources to meet any crisis.

Craig Martin

Facilities Manager

What I really appreciate about the TIMG connection, is that nothing is too much trouble.

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